Empowering You When the Grid Goes Down

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Hybrid Backup Power Systems

Empowering You When The Grid Goes Down

Hybrid Backup Power Systems

Hybrid backup power systems offer an inverter linked to battery storage, preferably lithium-ion batteries, and a grid connection, to provide uninterrupted power supply for homes and businesses.

Welcome to our in-depth exploration of the effects of frequent load shedding on families and residential homes. Load shedding has become a common occurrence in many regions, causing significant disruptions and challenges for households across the country. In this comprehensive document, we aim to shed light on the various ways load shedding impacts daily life, businesses, education, and the community. Furthermore, we present a reliable and efficient solution that can bring peace of mind to homeowners during times of power outages.

Frequent load shedding is a term that South Africans are all too familiar with. It refers to the planned or unplanned power outages that occur when the national electricity grid is unable to meet the demand for electricity. Load shedding can last from a few hours to several days, depending on the severity of the situation.

Load shedding has been affecting South Africa since 2007, and has caused significant economic, social, and environmental impacts on the country. Load shedding disrupts the daily lives of households and businesses, affects their health and safety, causes emotional stress, and reduces their productivity and competitiveness. Load shedding also exposes the dependency and vulnerability of South Africans on grid power, which is often unreliable, expensive, and polluting.

Many South Africans are looking for reliable and sustainable solutions to cope with frequent load shedding and reduce their dependency on grid power. One of the best solutions available is a Hybrid Backup Power System.

Hybrid Backup Power Systems offer an inverter linked to battery storage, preferably lithium-ion batteries, and a grid connection, to provide uninterrupted power supply for homes and businesses.

In this Document You will learn

How to Survive Frequent Load Shedding in South Africa with the Help of Hybrid Backup Power Systems.

Unpredictable Schedules of Load Shedding.

The impact Load Shedding has on our Daily lives.

Business Disruptions Caused by Load Shedding.

How frequent load shedding poses health and safety risks for households and businesses.

How frequent load shedding causes emotional stress, frustration, and anxiety for households and businesses.

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Backup Power Solutions


Frequent load shedding is a pressing issue faced by many South African homeowners and businesses alike. With power outages becoming a regular occurrence due to various factors, such as aging infrastructure and increased demand, individuals and organizations often find themselves grappling with disruptive consequences. Homeowners experience frustration and inconvenience as daily routines are disrupted, impacting family life, children’s homework, and daily chores. Small and medium-sized businesses face operational challenges, leading to decreased productivity, potential revenue losses, and damage to electronic equipment.

The need for Hybrid Backup Power Systems has become more evident than ever. Investing in reliable Hybrid Backup Power Systems, such as the Huawei iSitePower-M, has proven to be an effective way to mitigate the adverse effects of frequent load shedding. By having an intelligent power management system in place, individuals and businesses can seamlessly switch to backup power sources when the grid fails, ensuring uninterrupted operation and maintaining a sense of normalcy even during power outages. The iSitePower-M’s swift switchover capability, with a response time of less than 10 milliseconds, ensures that critical operations continue without any noticeable interruption, providing peace of mind for both homeowners and businesses alike.

1. What is frequent load shedding and why is it a problem in South Africa?

Frequent load shedding has become a haunting reality in South Africa, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the nation’s power supply. It refers to the deliberate, temporary shutdown of electricity to specific areas to prevent the collapse of an overburdened power grid. This unprecedented measure has been adopted by the state-owned utility company, Eskom, to manage the surging demand for electricity amidst limited generating capacity. Unfortunately, this controlled blackout has become a pressing problem, leaving homes, businesses, and communities grappling with disruptions and challenges. Families are plunged into darkness, schools struggle to function, and essential services face interruptions, leading to increased frustration and a profound impact on daily life. As South Africans navigate the unpredictable schedule of load shedding, the urgent need for reliable and innovative backup power solutions becomes more evident, providing a glimmer of hope amid the darkness.

2. What is a Hybrid Backup Power System and how does it work?

A Hybrid Backup Power System is a cutting-edge solution that offers a beacon of resilience in the face of frequent load shedding and power outages. Combining the best of two worlds, this innovative system harnesses the power of advanced battery storage technology and reliable grid connectivity. When the grid is stable, the hybrid system utilizes this electricity to charge its batteries, ensuring a constant and uninterrupted power supply to your home or business. However, when load shedding strikes and the grid power becomes erratic, the system seamlessly switches to its stored battery power, instantly restoring electricity to critical appliances and lighting. This dynamic interplay between grid and battery power creates a robust and dependable backup solution that keeps you empowered even in the darkest moments, making the hybrid power backup system a true game-changer in today’s unpredictable energy landscape.

3. What are the benefits of using a Hybrid Backup Power System?

Embracing a hybrid power backup system comes with a plethora of benefits that elevate your daily living and safeguard your business operations. Firstly, it provides uninterrupted power supply during load shedding, ensuring your home stays illuminated and essential appliances keep running smoothly. This uninterrupted energy flow offers peace of mind, knowing that you won’t be left in the dark during crucial moments. Moreover, a hybrid power backup system reduces reliance on the grid, leading to lower electricity bills and reduced carbon footprint, making it an environmentally conscious choice.

The system’s versatility shines through as it caters to diverse needs, from homes to small and medium-sized businesses. Its scalability allows you to tailor the system to your specific energy demands, making it a flexible and future-proof investment. Furthermore, the hybrid power backup solution offers seamless integration with your existing electrical infrastructure, minimizing the complexities of installation and enhancing overall efficiency.

With its smart energy management capabilities, the hybrid system optimizes power usage, prolonging battery life and enhancing overall system performance. This efficiency translates to long-term cost savings and improved energy utilization, benefiting both your pocket and the planet. By empowering your home or business with a hybrid power backup system, you unlock a new level of energy independence and fortitude, standing strong against the uncertainties of load shedding and power disruptions.

4. What are the main topics covered in this page?

A hybrid power backup system is a smart and sustainable solution that can help you cope with frequent load shedding and reduce your dependency on grid power. A hybrid power backup system can offer many benefits, such as:

  • Saving money on electricity bills by using free solar energy and avoiding peak tariffs. A hybrid power backup system can generate electricity from the sun, which is a free and abundant source of energy. You can use this electricity to power your appliances and devices, and reduce your consumption from the grid. You can also avoid paying high tariffs during peak hours or when load shedding occurs, by using your stored battery power or selling your excess solar power back to the grid.
  • Lowering carbon emissions by using clean renewable energy and reducing grid consumption. A hybrid power backup system can help you reduce your environmental impact by using solar energy, which is a clean and renewable source of energy. Solar energy does not produce any harmful emissions or waste, unlike coal or diesel, which are the main sources of grid power in South Africa. By using solar energy, you can also reduce your demand for grid power, which in turn reduces the amount of coal or diesel burned to generate electricity.
  • Increasing energy independence by having your own power source and being able to sell excess power back to the grid. A hybrid power backup system can give you more control and flexibility over your power supply, by allowing you to have your own power source that is independent from the grid. You can also choose how much power you want to use, store, or sell, depending on your needs and preferences. You can also earn money or credits by selling your excess solar power back to the grid, which can further lower your electricity costs.
  • Providing security and comfort by ensuring continuous access to essential appliances and devices during power outages. A hybrid power backup system can protect you from the inconvenience and disruption caused by frequent load shedding, by ensuring that you always have access to essential appliances and devices during power outages. You can use your battery power to keep your lights, fridge, TV, computer, phone, security system, and other important devices running, without worrying about running out of power or damaging your equipment. You can also enjoy a more comfortable and pleasant environment with a hybrid power backup system.
  • Improving quality of life by reducing stress levels and enhancing well-being. A hybrid power backup system can improve your quality of life by reducing the stress levels and enhancing the well-being that frequent load shedding can cause. By having a reliable and sustainable power supply, you can avoid the frustration, anxiety, and anger that come with unexpected or prolonged power outages. You can also enjoy more peace of mind and satisfaction by knowing that you are saving money, lowering your carbon footprint, and increasing your energy independence with a hybrid power backup system.

The Unpredictable Schedules of Load Shedding.

One of the most frustrating aspects of frequent load shedding is the unpredictable schedule. Load shedding can occur at any time of the day or night, without prior notice or warning. This makes it difficult for households and businesses to plan ahead and prepare for power outages.

The unpredictable schedule of load shedding can affect the daily routine of households and businesses in various ways, such as:

  • Disrupting the sleep cycle and causing fatigue, irritability, or insomnia.
  • Interrupting the cooking, cleaning, or laundry activities and causing food spoilage, hygiene issues, or waste of water.
  • Affecting the entertainment, communication, or education activities and causing boredom, isolation, or lack of information.
  • Interfering with the work, study, or travel activities and causing delays, errors, or missed opportunities.

1. How frequent load shedding affects the daily routine of households and businesses.

Frequent load shedding disrupts the daily routines of households and businesses alike, causing a ripple effect of inconvenience and frustration. In homes, power cuts can strike at any moment, leaving families in the dark and unable to carry out essential tasks. Cooking, studying, and even leisure activities are all thrown into disarray, leading to heightened stress and an overall sense of helplessness. For businesses, load shedding wreaks havoc on productivity and operations. Meetings are disrupted, computer systems shut down, and customer service suffers. The continuous interruptions not only lead to financial losses but also tarnish the reputation and reliability of businesses. As the country grapples with this energy crisis, finding a reliable and efficient backup power solution becomes paramount, allowing households and businesses to maintain a sense of normalcy and productivity even amidst the uncertainty of load shedding schedules.

2. How a hybrid power backup system can provide reliable power supply regardless of the load shedding schedule.

A Hybrid Backup Power System offers a ray of hope in the face of unpredictable load shedding schedules. This cutting-edge solution combines the best of both worlds, seamlessly integrating grid power with renewable energy sources like solar power and advanced battery storage technology. When the grid goes down, the hybrid system takes over, providing a reliable and uninterrupted power supply. Unlike traditional backup generators, which rely solely on fossil fuels and are susceptible to fuel shortages, a hybrid system harnesses the sun’s energy to generate electricity and stores excess power in batteries for later use. This intelligent system intelligently switches between grid power, solar energy, and stored battery power, ensuring a seamless transition during load shedding periods. With a hybrid backup power system, households and businesses can break free from the shackles of load shedding and enjoy a continuous and reliable supply of electricity, no matter how erratic the schedule may be.

3. How to plan ahead and optimize your power usage with a hybrid power backup system.

Planning ahead and optimizing power usage with a Hybrid Backup Power System empowers you to take control of your energy needs. By strategically managing your electricity consumption, you can make the most of the available power during load shedding. With a hybrid system, you have the advantage of monitoring your energy usage in real time through smart energy management apps, giving you insights into your power demands and consumption patterns. This allows you to plan your daily activities, ensuring essential appliances are powered during load-shedding hours, and non-essential devices are used efficiently when the grid is up. Additionally, you can take advantage of sunny periods to charge the batteries with solar energy, maximizing your energy reserve for later use. The key is to be proactive, understand your energy needs, and leverage the flexibility of a hybrid backup power system to optimize your power usage, keeping your home or business running smoothly even during the most challenging load shedding schedules.

Impact on Daily Life

Load shedding’s impact on daily life is undeniable, disrupting routines and causing frustration for millions of South Africans. When the power goes out unexpectedly, households and businesses are left in the dark, unable to use essential appliances, and facing disruptions in their daily activities. Basic tasks like cooking, working, studying, and even leisure activities become challenging or impossible during load-shedding hours. Families are forced to find alternative ways to cope, relying on candles, gas stoves, or flashlights to navigate through the darkness. This not only poses safety risks but also adds extra expenses for fuel and emergency supplies.

Moreover, load shedding’s unpredictability adds an extra layer of stress, as individuals and businesses are left unsure about when the power will return. Critical operations, such as hospitals or businesses, are especially vulnerable, facing potential data loss, equipment damage, or revenue loss. The impact on daily life is far-reaching, affecting not only individuals and families but also industries and the overall economy.

A reliable solution is urgently needed to alleviate the burdens of load shedding and restore a sense of normalcy in people’s lives. This is where the power of a Hybrid Backup Power System comes into play, offering a reliable and efficient solution to combat the challenges posed by frequent load-shedding interruptions.

1. How frequent load shedding disrupts the normal activities and comforts of households.

Frequent load shedding can have a significant impact on the daily life of households in South Africa. Load shedding can disrupt the normal activities and comforts of households, such as:

  • Cooking, cleaning, or laundry: Load shedding can affect the ability to cook, clean, or do laundry, as many appliances such as stoves, microwaves, dishwashers, washing machines, or dryers require electricity to operate. Load shedding can also cause food spoilage, hygiene issues, or waste of water.
  • Entertainment, communication, or education: Load shedding can affect access to entertainment, communication, or education, as many devices such as TVs, radios, computers, phones, or tablets depend on electricity to function. Load shedding can also cause boredom, isolation, or lack of information.
  • Comfort and convenience: Load shedding can affect the comfort and convenience of households, as many systems such as lights, fans, heaters, air conditioners, or geysers rely on electricity to provide illumination, ventilation, heating, cooling, or hot water. Load shedding can also cause discomfort, inconvenience, or dissatisfaction.

Fortunately, there is a solution that can help you cope with the impact of frequent load shedding on your daily life: a hybrid power backup system. A hybrid power backup system is a system that combines solar power generation with battery storage and grid connection, to provide an uninterrupted power supply for your home. With a hybrid power backup system, you can:

  • Ensure uninterrupted access to essential appliances and devices during power outages.
  • Enjoy a better quality of life with a reliable and sustainable power supply.

If you are interested in learning more about how a hybrid power backup system can help you overcome the challenges of frequent load shedding in South Africa, please read on. We will discuss in detail how a hybrid power backup system can improve your daily life, business performance, health and safety, backup solutions, emotional stress, dependency on grid power, impact on education, productivity loss in businesses, and community and social impact.

2. How a Hybrid Backup Power System can ensure uninterrupted access to essential appliances and devices.

In the face of frequent load shedding, a Hybrid Backup Power System emerges as a powerful ally, ensuring uninterrupted access to essential appliances and devices. When the grid falters, leaving households and businesses in the dark, this innovative system swiftly takes over, seamlessly transitioning to its battery storage and inverter setup. With the agility of Li-Ion batteries and a reliable grid connection, the Hybrid Backup Power System stands tall as a steadfast source of power during outages.

Imagine a world where load shedding no longer disrupts your daily life. With a Hybrid Backup Power System in place, critical appliances like refrigerators, lights, and communication devices remain fully operational, allowing you to navigate through the darkness with ease. This means no more spoiled groceries, no more stumbling around in the dark, and no more disconnection from the digital world. The Hybrid Backup Power System empowers you to take control of your power supply, ensuring that essential appliances and devices remain functional, even when the grid fails. Say goodbye to the frustrations of load shedding and embrace the peace of mind that comes with uninterrupted access to vital resources.

3. How to enjoy a better quality of life with a hybrid power backup system.

With a hybrid power backup system at your disposal, strategic planning and optimized power usage become the keys to conquering load shedding’s challenges. Embrace the power of foresight and take charge of your energy consumption like never before. By knowing your load-shedding schedule in advance, you can efficiently plan and prioritize which appliances and devices to use during the precious moments of grid power. Set your essential equipment on high priority, ensuring they receive uninterrupted energy from the hybrid system, while non-essential devices can be reserved for periods of stable grid supply.

Harnessing the capabilities of a hybrid power backup system requires thoughtful consideration of your energy needs and habits. With a clear understanding of your power usage patterns, you can tailor your daily routines to align with the available energy resources, maximizing efficiency and minimizing waste. The system’s smart energy management features allow you to monitor consumption, identify peak periods, and implement energy-saving strategies. Whether it’s scheduling heavy appliance usage during grid hours or investing in energy-efficient devices, a little planning can go a long way in optimizing your power usage with a hybrid power backup system, ensuring you stay one step ahead of load shedding disruptions.

Hybrid Backup Power Systems

WAS: R 122 782,00

NOW: R 79 808,00

(4 Customer Reviews)

  • Could be Delivered and Installed within days of payment cleared
  • No Drilling Required, Stack on Secure Floor Base
  • Stage 10/11 Load-Shedding could be days away.
  • 3 in 1 – Power + Battery + Floor Base.
  • Fast Charging – 2 Hours
  • Product Certifications
  • Limited Stock is available.
  • 10 Year Guarantee
  • Reputable Brand
  • Single Phase
PLACE YOUR ORDER! - R 79 808.00

Health and Safety Concerns

When load shedding casts its shadow over communities, health, and safety concerns become a pressing issue for households and businesses alike. With unpredictable power cuts and potential disruptions to medical equipment, safety protocols, and emergency services, the need for a reliable backup power solution takes on paramount importance. A hybrid power backup system, with its seamless transition from grid power to battery supply, offers a lifeline during these critical moments. Let us explore how this innovative technology not only ensures continuous access to essential appliances but also prioritizes the well-being and safety of individuals in the face of load-shedding’s challenges.

1. How frequent load shedding poses health and safety risks for households.

Frequent load shedding can pose various health and safety risks for households in South Africa. Some of these risks are:

  • Fire: Load shedding can increase the risk of fire by causing power surges or fluctuations that can damage or ignite electrical appliances or devices. Load shedding can also lead to the use of alternative sources of lighting or heating, such as candles, paraffin, or gas, that can be flammable or explosive.
  • Electrocution: Load shedding can increase the risk of electrocution by creating unsafe electrical conditions, such as exposed wires, faulty connections, or overloaded circuits. Load shedding can also cause confusion or panic among people who may touch live wires or appliances without realizing that the power is back on.
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning: Load shedding can increase the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning by forcing people to use generators, heaters, or stoves that run on fossil fuels, such as diesel, petrol, or coal. These fuels can produce carbon monoxide, which is a colorless, odorless, and deadly gas that can cause headaches, nausea, dizziness, or death.
  • Medical emergencies: Load shedding can increase the risk of medical emergencies by affecting the functionality of medical equipment, refrigeration, or heating systems. Load shedding can also affect access to emergency services, such as ambulance, police, or fire brigade, due to communication failures or traffic jams.

These health and safety risks can have serious consequences for households, such as injuries, illnesses, deaths, or property damages. Therefore, it is important to take preventive measures and be prepared for power outages. One of the best solutions available is a hybrid power backup system. A hybrid power backup system is a system that combines an inverter, a battery bank, and a grid connection, to provide an uninterrupted power supply for your home. With a hybrid power backup system, you can protect yourself and your family from the health and safety risks caused by frequent load shedding.

2. How a hybrid power backup system can protect you from potential hazards and emergencies caused by power outages.

A hybrid power backup system is a system that combines an inverter, a battery bank, and a grid connection, to provide an uninterrupted power supply for your home or business. A hybrid power backup system can protect you from potential hazards and emergencies caused by power outages, such as:

  • Fire: A hybrid power backup system can prevent fire hazards by using a surge protector or a voltage regulator to protect your appliances and devices from power surges or fluctuations. A hybrid power backup system can also reduce the need for alternative sources of lighting or heating, such as candles, paraffin, or gas, which can be flammable or explosive.
  • Electrocution: A hybrid power backup system can prevent electrocution risks by creating safe electrical conditions, such as insulated wires, secure connections, and balanced circuits. A hybrid power backup system can also alert you when the power is back on so that you can avoid touching live wires or appliances without knowing.
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning: A hybrid power backup system can prevent carbon monoxide poisoning by using battery power to run your appliances and devices, instead of generators, heaters, or stoves that run on fossil fuels, such as diesel, petrol, or coal. These fuels can produce carbon monoxide, which is a colorless, odorless, and deadly gas that can cause headaches, nausea, dizziness, or death.
  • Medical emergencies: A hybrid power backup system can prevent medical emergencies by ensuring continuous access to medical equipment, refrigeration, or heating systems. A hybrid power backup system can also keep your phone charged and your security system active so that you can access emergency services, such as ambulance, police, or fire brigade if needed.

With a hybrid power backup system, you can enjoy the benefits of having a reliable and sustainable power supply that can protect you from the health and safety risks caused by frequent load shedding. You can also save money on electricity bills by using free solar energy and avoiding peak tariffs. You can also lower your carbon emissions by using clean renewable energy and reducing grid consumption. You can also increase your energy independence by having your own power source and being able to sell excess power back to the grid.


3. How to maintain a safe and healthy environment with a hybrid power backup system.

A hybrid power backup system is a system that combines an inverter, a battery bank, and a grid connection, to provide an uninterrupted power supply for your home or business. A hybrid power backup system can help you maintain a safe and healthy environment during frequent load shedding, by following these tips:

  • Install your hybrid power backup system by a qualified electrician or technician. A hybrid power backup system should be installed by a professional who can ensure that the system is safe, secure, and compliant with the relevant standards and regulations. A proper installation can prevent electrical hazards, such as fire, electrocution, or damage to your appliances or devices.
  • Place your hybrid power backup system in a well-ventilated and dry area away from flammable materials or sources of ignition. A hybrid power backup system should be placed in a location that has adequate ventilation and airflow, to prevent overheating or accumulation of gases. A hybrid power backup system should also be kept away from any materials or sources that can cause fire or explosion, such as fuel, chemicals, or sparks.
  • Use the correct type and size of cables, connectors, fuses, and circuit breakers for your hybrid power backup system. A hybrid power backup system should use the appropriate cables, connectors, fuses, and circuit breakers that match the specifications and requirements of your system. Using the wrong or incompatible components can cause electrical faults, such as short circuits, overloads, or power surges.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for operating, testing, and servicing your hybrid power backup system. A hybrid power backup system should be operated, tested, and serviced according to the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations. This can ensure that your system is functioning properly and efficiently, and avoid any potential problems or malfunctions.
  • Install a carbon monoxide detector and a fire extinguisher near your hybrid power backup system. A hybrid power backup system can produce carbon monoxide if it uses fossil fuels, such as diesel or petrol, to charge the battery bank. Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, and deadly gas that can cause headaches, nausea, dizziness, or death. A carbon monoxide detector can alert you if there is any leakage or accumulation of carbon monoxide in your area. A fire extinguisher can help you put out any fire that may occur due to your hybrid power backup system.

By following these tips, you can enjoy the benefits of having a reliable and sustainable power supply that can protect you from the health and safety risks caused by frequent load shedding. You can also save money on electricity bills by using free solar energy and avoiding peak tariffs. You can also lower your carbon emissions by using clean renewable energy and reducing grid consumption. You can also increase your energy independence by having your own power source and being able to sell excess power back to the grid.

Hybrid Backup Power Systems

Empowering You when the grid goes down

These solutions ensure uninterrupted electricity supply to critical appliances, devices, or even entire buildings, enabling them to continue functioning during times of grid unavailability.
Huawei iSitePower-M 5Kw


In this chapter, we have discussed how frequent load shedding can affect the daily life, business performance, health and safety, backup solutions, emotional stress, dependency on grid power, impact on education, productivity loss in businesses, and community and social impact of households and businesses in South Africa. We have also discussed how a hybrid power backup system can help you overcome the challenges of frequent load shedding by providing reliable and sustainable power supply for your home or business.

A hybrid power backup system is a system that combines an inverter, a battery bank, and a grid connection, to provide uninterrupted power supply for your home or business. With a hybrid power backup system, you can enjoy the benefits of:

  • Saving money on electricity bills by using free solar energy and avoiding peak tariffs
  • Lowering carbon emissions by using clean renewable energy and reducing grid consumption
  • Increasing energy independence by having your own power source and being able to sell excess power back to the grid
  • Providing security and comfort by ensuring continuous access to essential appliances and devices during power outages
  • Improving quality of life by reducing stress levels and enhancing well-being

If you are interested in installing a hybrid power backup system for your home or business, please contact us today. We are a reputable and experienced provider of hybrid power backup systems in South Africa. We can offer you a range of options and solutions that suit your needs and budget. We can also provide you with professional installation, maintenance, and support services.

Thank you for reading this chapter. We hope you have learned something valuable and useful from it. Please feel free to share your feedback, questions, or comments with us. We would love to hear from you and help you with your power needs.

1. A short summarize of the main points and benefits of using a hybrid power backup system for frequent load shedding.

A hybrid power backup system is a smart and sustainable solution that can help you cope with frequent load shedding and reduce your dependency on grid power. A hybrid power backup system combines an inverter, a battery bank, and a grid connection, to provide uninterrupted power supply for your home or business. Here are some of the main points and benefits of using a hybrid power backup system for frequent load shedding:

  • A hybrid power backup system can save you money on electricity bills by using free solar energy and avoiding peak tariffs. You can use the solar energy generated by your panels to power your appliances and devices, and reduce your consumption from the grid. You can also avoid paying high tariffs during peak hours or when load shedding occurs, by using your stored battery power or selling your excess solar power back to the grid.
  • A hybrid power backup system can lower your carbon emissions by using clean renewable energy and reducing grid consumption. Solar energy does not produce any harmful emissions or waste, unlike coal or diesel, which are the main sources of grid power in South Africa. By using solar energy, you can also reduce your demand for grid power, which in turn reduces the amount of coal or diesel burned to generate electricity.
  • A hybrid power backup system can increase your energy independence by having your own power source and being able to sell excess power back to the grid. You can have more control and flexibility over your power supply, by choosing how much power you want to use, store, or sell, depending on your needs and preferences. You can also earn money or credits by selling your excess solar power back to the grid, which can further lower your electricity costs.
  • A hybrid power backup system can provide security and comfort by ensuring continuous access to essential appliances and devices during power outages. You can use your battery power to keep your lights, fridge, TV, computer, phone, security system, and other important devices running, without worrying about running out of power or damaging your equipment. You can also enjoy a more comfortable and pleasant environment with a hybrid power backup system.
  • A hybrid power backup system can improve your quality of life by reducing stress levels and enhancing well-being. By having a reliable and sustainable power supply, you can avoid the frustration, anxiety, and anger that come with unexpected or prolonged power outages. You can also enjoy more peace of mind and satisfaction by knowing that you are saving money, lowering your carbon footprint, and increasing your energy independence with a hybrid power backup system.

If you are interested in installing a hybrid power backup system for your home or business, please contact us today. We are a reputable and experienced provider of hybrid power backup systems in South Africa. We can offer you a range of options and solutions that suit your needs and budget. We can also provide you with professional installation, maintenance, and support services.

2. Please, Do not delay and take action Now!

If you have read this page, you have learned how a hybrid power backup system can help you cope with frequent load shedding and reduce your dependency on grid power.

Now, you may be wondering:

  1. How can I get a hybrid power backup system for my home or business?
  2. What are the steps I need to take to install, maintain, and use a hybrid power backup system?
  3. Where can I find a reputable and experienced provider of hybrid power backup systems in South Africa?

The answer is simple: Contact us today.

  • We are a leading provider of hybrid power backup systems in South Africa.
  • We have a team of qualified electricians and technicians who can install, maintain, and support your hybrid power backup system.
  • We have a range of options and solutions that suit your needs and budget.
  • We have a track record of satisfied customers who have benefited from our hybrid power backup systems.

To contact us, you can either:

  • Fill out the online form [here] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
  • Call us at 076 180 9799 and we will answer any questions you may have.

Don’t wait any longer. Take the next step and get a hybrid power backup system for your home or business today. You will not regret it. You will enjoy the benefits of having a reliable and sustainable power supply that can protect you from the health and safety risks caused by frequent load shedding.

Thank you for your time and attention. We hope to hear from you soon.

3. Thank you for taking the time to explore the world of hybrid power backup systems with us.

We hope this information has shed light on the immense benefits of having a reliable backup power solution for frequent load shedding.

Your interest in enhancing your power resilience is a step towards a brighter and more sustainable future.

Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Together, we can navigate the challenges of power outages and create a more empowered and secure living environment.

Thank you for your attention, and we look forward to being part of your journey towards a more resilient energy solution.

Hybrid Backup Power Systems

We assist both Residential and Business Clients

Providing Affordable and Reliable "backup Power Solutions" to mitigate the impact of Load-Shedding.
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Hybrid Backup Power Systems

WAS: R 122 782,00

NOW: R 79 808,00

(4 Customer Reviews)

  • Could be Delivered and Installed within days of payment cleared
  • No Drilling Required, Stack on Secure Floor Base
  • Stage 10/11 Load-Shedding could be days away.
  • 3 in 1 – Power + Battery + Floor Base.
  • Fast Charging – 2 Hours
  • Product Certifications
  • Limited Stock is available.
  • 10 Year Guarantee
  • Reputable Brand
  • Single Phase
PLACE YOUR ORDER! - R 79 808.00
Hybrid Backup Power Systems

Huawei iSitePower-M


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