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The Ultimate Guide to Backup Power System Sizing:

How to Calculate Your Power Needs and Choose the Best Battery Capacity

Backup Power Solutions - Definition

Welcome to "The Ultimate Guide to Backup Power System Sizing," your comprehensive resource for navigating the intricate world of backup power systems.

In an era where uninterrupted power is not just a convenience but a necessity, understanding how to accurately size your backup power system holds the key to a resilient and empowered lifestyle. Whether you’re looking to safeguard your home, ensure business continuity, or simply reduce your reliance on the grid, our guide is here to demystify the process. From deciphering your energy needs to selecting the perfect battery capacity, we’re here to illuminate the path toward energy independence. Join us on this enlightening journey as we unravel the complexities of backup power system sizing and empower you to make informed and confident decisions.

In this article you will learn how to calculate your power needs and choose the best battery capacity for your home or business. You will also learn about the benefits and challenges of backup power systems, the terms and concepts that you need to know, and the steps and formulas that you need to follow. By the end of this article, you will be able to make an informed decision and enjoy reliable and clean backup power for your home or business.

In this Document You will learn

What is a backup solar system and why do you need one?

That batteries store electricity for later use.

An inverter converts DC power from the batteries to AC power for your appliances.

A charge controller regulates the charging and discharging of the batteries.

Solar Panels are an optional addon to your "Power Backup System" Solar panels generate electricity from the sun and convert sunlight into electricity that charge the batteries.

You will learn how to calculate how much power you use.

You will be able to calculate how much backup power you need for your Home or Office

How to size your backup solar system accordingly.

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Backup Power Solutions

Intro: In this article, we will walk you through the process of sizing your Backup Power System!

We will explain the factors you need to consider, such as the size of your home, the appliances you want to power during a power outage, and the length of your typical power outages. We will also provide tips on choosing the right battery capacity.

1. How to Determine the Right Backup Battery Size for Load Shedding:

Navigating the world of Backup Power System’s Batteries for load shedding can be a rewarding journey, ensuring uninterrupted power when you need it the most. To determine the right backup battery size for your specific needs, it’s essential to grasp the fundamentals of energy storage and consumption.

When investing in a backup battery solution like the Huawei iSitePower-M Lithium-Ion battery, which starts with a 5 kWh capacity and can be scaled up by connecting additional units, your priority is to align your battery’s storage capacity with your daily energy usage.

Your daily energy consumption forms the basis for sizing your battery system. By taking the time to understand your home or business’s energy demands, you can confidently navigate the process of determining the right battery capacity to keep your essential appliances powered during load shedding.

While Eskom’s reported national average daily household power consumption stands at 30 kWh, your specific energy needs may vary significantly based on factors like the number of occupants, appliances used, and lifestyle patterns. Therefore, it’s crucial to personalize your calculations for a precise estimation of your energy requirements. With a clear grasp of your daily energy usage, you can embark on the journey to find the ideal battery backup solution that seamlessly integrates with your lifestyle and ensures uninterrupted power supply during load shedding.

2. The size of the backup solar system you would need:

To assist through 2 to 4 hours of load shedding without solar panels, you would primarily focus on the battery capacity and the power output of the inverter.

Here’s a general guideline to help you estimate the size of the backup system:

  1. Calculate Energy Consumption: Determine the total energy consumption of your essential appliances and devices during load shedding hours. This is usually measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh).
  2. Estimate Load Shedding Duration: Estimate how many hours of load shedding you are likely to experience. Let’s take an average of 3 hours.
  3. Battery Capacity: Choose a battery with enough capacity to provide power for the estimated load shedding duration. Batteries are usually rated in kilowatt-hours (kWh). For 3 hours of load shedding, you would need a battery capacity of at least the estimated energy consumption during that period.
  4. Inverter Power Output: The inverter’s power output should be sufficient to handle the peak power demand of your appliances. Make sure the inverter can handle the simultaneous operation of the appliances you consider essential during load shedding.
  5. Efficiency: Consider the efficiency of both the inverter and the battery system. Not all the energy stored in the battery will be available for use due to losses in conversion and storage.

6. **Safety Margin**: It’s a good practice to include a safety margin by slightly over-sizing the battery capacity and inverter power output to accommodate unexpected energy needs or longer load shedding periods.

3. Are you confused by the technical jargon of backup batteries?

Do you want to know how much backup power you need for your home or business?
Do you want to learn how to choose the best backup battery for your needs and budget?

If so, you are not alone. Many people struggle with understanding the specifications of backup batteries, such as watts, kilowatts, watt-hours, kilowatt-hours, amps, amp hours, and volts. These terms may sound complicated, but they are actually easy to understand once you know what they mean and how they relate to each other.

In this article, we will explain these terms in simple language and show you how to use them to calculate your power usage and select the right backup battery size.

Here are the definitions of the terms that you need to know:

  • Watts (W): Watts measure how much power a device uses. It is the voltage (V) multiplied by the number of amps (A). For example, if a light bulb has a voltage of 220 V and an amperage of 0.5 A, it uses 110 W of power.
  • Kilowatts (kW): A kilowatt is 1,000 watts. It is a unit that measures the power output or input of a device or system. For example, if a solar panel produces 3 kW of power, it means that it can supply 3,000 W of power at any given time.
  • Watt-hour (Wh): A watt-hour is a unit that measures the amount of electrical energy used in one hour. It is the power (W) multiplied by the time (h). For example, if a light bulb uses 110 W of power and runs for 2 hours, it consumes 220 Wh of energy.
  • Kilowatt-hours (kWh): This is 1,000 watt-hours. It is a unit that measures the energy consumption or production of a device or system over time. For example, if a solar panel produces 3 kW of power and runs for 4 hours, it generates 12 kWh of energy.
  • Amps (amperes): Amps are a measurement of electrical current. It is the amount of electric charge that flows through a circuit per second. For example, if a wire carries 10 A of current, it means that 10 coulombs of charge pass through it every second.
  • Amp hours (Ah): Battery capacity (how much electricity is stored in a battery) is measured in amp hours (Ah). The capacity of the battery is how long it can steadily supply the necessary current. One amp-hour is one amp for one hour or 10 amps for six minutes (1/10th of an hour). For example, if a battery has a capacity of 100 Ah, it means that it can provide 100 A of current for one hour or 10 A of current for 10 hours.
  • Volts: Voltage is to electricity what pressure is to water flow. The higher the pressure, the faster water flows in a pipe. The higher the voltage the higher the unit of current in a battery. For example, if a battery has a voltage of 12 V, it means that it can push 12 units of current through a circuit.

You can use these terms to calculate your power usage and determine the right backup battery size for your home or business. Here are some steps that you can follow:

– Make a list of the appliances and devices that you want to run during load shedding hours. You can use a power meter or check the labels of your appliances to find out their wattage ratings. Alternatively, you can use an online solar system calculator to estimate your power usage based on the type and number of appliances that you have .
– Add up the wattage ratings of all the appliances and devices that you want to run simultaneously. This will give you the total power demand that you need to meet with your backup battery. For example, if you want to run lights, TV, fridge, microwave, kettle, and laptop during load shedding hours, and their wattage ratings are 100 W, 200 W, 300 W, 800 W, 1500 W, and 50 W respectively, your total power demand is 2950 W.
– Divide the total power demand by the voltage of your backup battery. This will give you the current that you need to draw from your battery. For example, if your backup battery has a voltage of 48 V, your current is 2950 W / 48 V = 61.46 A.
– Multiply the current by the duration of load shedding that you experience in your area. You can check the load shedding schedule from your municipality or Eskom to find out how often and how long you are affected by power cuts. This will give you the energy that you need to store in your battery. For example, if you experience 2-4 hours of load shedding per day, your energy is 61.46 A x 2-4 h = 122.92-245.84 Ah.
– Choose a backup battery that has a capacity equal to or greater than the energy that you need. You can also consider the depth of discharge (DoD) of the battery, which is the percentage of the battery capacity that can be used without damaging the battery. The higher the DoD, the more usable energy you can get from the battery. For example, if you need 245.84 Ah of energy and you choose a battery with a capacity of 300 Ah and a DoD of 80%, you can use up to 240 Ah of energy from the battery (300 Ah x 80% = 240 Ah). This means that you have enough backup power for your needs.

As you can see, calculating your power usage and choosing the right backup battery size is not as hard as it seems. You just need to know some basic terms and do some simple math. However, if you still feel overwhelmed or confused by the process, don’t worry. We are here to help you.

STEP 1: Frequent Load Shedding:

  • Do you know how much electricity you use every day?
  • Do you want to save money on your electricity bills and reduce your carbon footprint?
  • Do you want to learn how to calculate your daily power consumption and choose the best backup battery size for your home or business?

If so, you are not alone. Many people are unaware of how much electricity they use and how they can optimize their energy efficiency.

In this article, we will show you how to calculate your daily power consumption in kilowatt-hours (kWh) by adding up the power consumption of each electrical device in your home or business.

This is the first step in determining the right backup battery size for your needs and budget.

Here are the steps that you need to follow:

  • Make a list of all the electrical devices that you use in your home or business. These include appliances, lights, electronics, gadgets, tools, etc. You can use this table as a guide:

| Device | Wattage Rating | Hours Used Per Day | Power Consumption (kWh) |
| TV | 200 W | 4 | 0.8 |
| Fridge | 300 W | 24 | 7.2 |
| Microwave | 800 W | 0.5 | 0.4 |
| Kettle | 1500 W | 0.25 | 0.375 |
| Laptop | 50 W | 8 | 0.4 |
| Fan Heater | 2000 W | 2 | 4 |
| Total | | | 13.175 |

  • To calculate the power consumption of each device, multiply the wattage rating by the number of hours it is used per day.
  • The wattage rating is the amount of power that the device uses in watts (W).
  • You can find it on the label of the device, on the manual, or online. For example, if you have a TV that has a wattage rating of 200 W and you use it for 4 hours per day, the power consumption is 200 W x 4 h = 800 Wh or 0.8 kWh.
  • If the device does not show the wattage rating, you can multiply the current in amps (A) by the operating voltage (V).
  • The current is the amount of electric charge that flows through the device per second.
  • The voltage is the force that pushes the charge through the device.
  • You can find them on the label of the device, on the manual, or online. For example, if you have a fan heater that has a current of 10 A and a voltage of 220 V, the wattage rating is 10 A x 220 V = 2200 W or 2.2 kW.
  • Add up the power consumption of all the devices that you use in your home or business.
  • This will give you the total daily power consumption in kWh.
  • For example, if you use all the devices in the table above, your total daily power consumption is 13.175 kWh.

As you can see, calculating your daily power consumption is not as hard as it seems. You just need to know some basic terms and do some simple math. However, if you still feel overwhelmed or confused by the process, don’t worry. We are here to help you

1. Unpredictable Schedule:

Frequent load shedding often follows an unpredictable schedule, leaving homeowners unsure of when power outages will occur. This unpredictability disrupts daily routines, making it challenging to plan activities and manage household tasks efficiently.

2. Impact on Daily Life:

Load shedding can have a significant impact on daily life, causing disruptions to cooking, heating, cooling, and entertainment activities. It may also affect essential services like internet connectivity and home security systems.

3. Business Disruptions:

For small and medium-sized businesses operating from home or in commercial spaces, load shedding can lead to business interruptions, loss of productivity, and potential financial losses.

4. Health and Safety Concerns:

Frequent load shedding can pose health and safety risks, especially for vulnerable individuals who rely on medical equipment or need stable power for health-related reasons.

5. Inadequate Backup Solutions:

Homeowners relying on temporary or inefficient backup power solutions during load shedding may find themselves with limited power capacity or facing power surges that could damage appliances and electronics.

6. Emotional Stress:

Dealing with repeated load shedding can cause emotional stress and frustration, leading to a negative impact on mental well-being and overall quality of life.

STEP 2: Reliability and Power Outages:

In today’s fast-paced world, an uninterrupted power supply is crucial for both households and businesses to ensure seamless operations. However, frequent power outages and load shedding can disrupt daily activities and lead to significant inconveniences. This is where Backup Power Solutions come to the rescue, providing a reliable and efficient alternative when the grid goes down. By offering a seamless transition from the main power supply to backup sources, these solutions ensure that essential appliances and critical systems continue to function without interruption.

1. Frequency and Duration:

Power outages can occur due to various reasons, such as grid failures, natural disasters, or maintenance issues. The frequency and duration of these outages can vary, leaving homeowners uncertain about when normal power supply will resume.

2. Impact on Daily Activities:

Power outages disrupt daily activities, making it challenging to carry out essential tasks like cooking, heating, cooling, and communication. Lack of power can also affect internet connectivity, causing inconvenience and potential work disruptions.

3. Security Concerns:

During power outages, security systems like alarms and surveillance cameras may become non-functional, leaving homes and businesses vulnerable to thefts and intrusions.

4. Loss of Perishable Items:

Extended power outages can lead to the spoilage of perishable items stored in refrigerators and freezers, resulting in financial losses for homeowners and businesses.

5. Health and Safety Risks:

Power outages can pose health and safety risks, especially during extreme weather conditions, as HVAC systems may not function, leading to discomfort or health issues.

6. Business Downtime:

For businesses, power outages can lead to downtime, loss of revenue, and decreased productivity, particularly in industries reliant on continuous power supply.

The Ultimate Guide to Backup Power System Sizing

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STEP 3: Rising Electricity Costs:

The ever-increasing electricity costs have become a significant concern for families and businesses alike, as they grapple with the financial burden of rising utility bills. With the continuous surge in energy prices, households are facing mounting challenges to manage their budgets effectively.

For businesses, soaring electricity costs can directly impact their operational expenses, affecting overall profitability. As electricity prices continue to rise, it becomes imperative for individuals and enterprises to explore sustainable and cost-effective solutions to alleviate this financial strain.

1. Increasing Tariffs:

Electricity tariffs have been steadily rising over the years due to various factors, including inflation, increased demand, and rising operational costs for utility companies. This leads to higher monthly electricity bills for homeowners and businesses.

2. Financial Strain:

Rising electricity costs can put significant financial strain on households and businesses, especially those operating on tight budgets. The increasing portion of income allocated to electricity expenses can impact overall financial stability.

3. Impact on Businesses:

For businesses, rising electricity costs directly affect operational expenses and can reduce profit margins. High energy bills may limit the ability to invest in other areas of business growth.

4. Environmental Awareness:

As awareness about climate change and environmental impact grows, many individuals and businesses are seeking energy solutions that are eco-friendly and help reduce their carbon footprint.

5. Energy Inefficiencies:

Traditional energy sources often suffer from inefficiencies in generation, transmission, and distribution, which contribute to higher electricity costs as more energy is lost during these processes.

6. Volatility of Fuel Prices:

Electricity generation from fossil fuels is often subject to the volatility of fuel prices in the global market, leading to unpredictable fluctuations in electricity costs for consumers.

Backup Power Solutions

Empowering You when the grid goes down

These solutions ensure uninterrupted electricity supply to critical appliances, devices, or even entire buildings, enabling them to continue functioning during times of grid unavailability.
Huawei iSitePower-M 5Kw

STEP 4: Lack of Knowledge:

Lack of knowledge is a significant challenge faced by many homeowners, tenants, families living in secure complexes, and upmarket estates when it comes to converting to backup power or solar energy. Here are some insights about this challenge.

It is also one of the primary barriers that prevent many people from breaking away from the old Eskom ways. Solar systems are not as complicated or expensive as some people may think. In fact, there are many advantages of using solar energy in South Africa

1. Complexity of Solar Energy Systems:

Solar energy systems can be perceived as complex and unfamiliar to individuals without prior knowledge or experience in the renewable energy field. Understanding how solar panels work, how to size a solar system for specific energy needs, and the components involved can be overwhelming for those with limited technical knowledge.

2. Misconceptions and Myths:

Lack of knowledge often leads to misconceptions and myths about solar energy. Some may believe that solar panels are not efficient, require constant maintenance, or are too expensive to install. These misconceptions can deter potential adopters from exploring solar energy solutions.

3. Reliance on Traditional Energy Sources:

Many individuals have grown accustomed to relying on traditional energy sources, such as grid electricity or generators, without considering alternative options. Breaking away from this familiarity can be challenging without proper education on the benefits and feasibility of solar energy.

4. Limited Access to Information:

Access to accurate and reliable information on solar energy may be limited in certain areas, especially in rural communities or regions where renewable energy adoption is still in its early stages. Lack of access to educational resources can hinder individuals from making informed decisions about solar energy.

5. Fear of Making the Wrong Choice:

Making the switch to solar energy involves a significant investment, and individuals may fear making the wrong choice or investing in a system that does not meet their energy needs. This fear can lead to hesitation and inaction, preventing them from exploring solar as a viable solution.

6. Complexity of Government Incentives:

Government incentives, such as solar rebates or tax credits, can be complex and vary by region. Understanding and navigating these incentives require knowledge and expertise, which may be lacking among potential solar adopters.

STEP 5: Affordability:

Affordability is a significant concern for many homeowners, tenants, families living in secure complexes, and upmarket estates when considering backup power or solar energy solutions.

The affordability of solar systems is a relative concept that depends on various factors, such as the size, type, and quality of the system, the location and orientation of the installation, the availability and cost of financing options, the electricity consumption and tariff of the user, and the potential savings and incentives from using solar energy. However, some general insights can be derived from the available data and information on solar systems in South Africa.

The cost of solar systems can also be influenced by the type of system chosen by the user. There are three main types of solar systems: grid-tied, off-grid, and hybrid. Grid-tied systems are connected to the utility grid and can sell excess electricity back to it; off-grid systems are independent from the grid and rely solely on solar and battery power; and hybrid systems use a combination of solar, grid, and other sources of power. Grid-tied systems are usually cheaper than off-grid or hybrid systems, as they do not require batteries or generators. However, they also do not provide backup power during load shedding or grid failures.

1. High Initial Investment:

The upfront cost of installing solar panels or purchasing backup power systems can be substantial. Homeowners may be hesitant to make a large initial investment, especially if they have limited financial resources.

2. Return on Investment (ROI) Uncertainty:

While solar energy systems can lead to long-term savings on electricity bills, potential customers may be unsure about the exact payback period and overall ROI. This uncertainty may discourage them from committing to the investment.

3. Financing Options:

Limited awareness about financing options such as solar loans, leasing, or power purchase agreements (PPAs) may prevent individuals from exploring solar or backup power solutions.

4. Perception of High Maintenance Costs:

Some individuals may perceive that the maintenance and repair costs associated with solar energy systems or backup power solutions are high. This perception can create a barrier to adoption.

5. Affordability for Different Socioeconomic Groups:

Affordability challenges can vary across different socioeconomic groups. Low-income households may find it particularly difficult to invest in renewable energy due to financial constraints

6. Cost Comparisons:

Customers may struggle to compare the costs of solar energy systems or backup power solutions with their existing electricity bills, making it hard for them to assess the long-term savings potential

STEP 6: Uncertainty About ROI(return on Investment):

Uncertainty about Return on Investment (ROI) is a common challenge that homeowners, tenants, families living in secure complexes, and upmarket estates may face when considering solar energy or backup power solutions. ROI is a measure of how much profit or benefit an investment generates compared to its initial cost. However, calculating the ROI of a solar system is not a simple or straightforward task, as it depends on various factors that vary from case to case.

For small and medium-sized businesses, the ROI of a solar system can be even more attractive than for residential customers. This is because businesses typically have higher electricity consumption and demand during the day when the solar system can produce the most energy. Businesses can also benefit from tax incentives, depreciation allowances, and green financing options that can lower the initial cost and increase the profitability of a solar system. Moreover, businesses can enhance their reputation and brand image by demonstrating their commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.

The first factor that affects ROI is the initial investment cost, which includes the purchase and installation of solar panels or backup power systems. While the upfront cost may seem daunting, it is essential to consider the long-term savings that these solutions can provide. Solar energy systems can significantly reduce or eliminate electricity bills, resulting in substantial savings over time.

These factors can vary significantly depending on the specific situation and preferences of each customer. Therefore, it is important to consult with a reputable solar provider or use a reliable online calculator to estimate the ROI of a solar system based on your own data and assumptions.

Some of the factors that affect the ROI of a solar system are:

1. Complex Calculations:

Calculating the exact ROI for solar energy or backup power solutions involves various factors, such as initial investment, energy savings, potential incentives, and maintenance costs. Customers may find these calculations complex and overwhelming.

2. Long Payback Period:

Some customers may worry that the payback period for their investment in solar panels or backup power systems could be too long, making them uncertain about the financial benefits

3. Changing Energy Usage:

Predicting future energy consumption accurately can be challenging, leading to uncertainty about the actual savings potential of solar energy solutions over time.

4. Inconsistent Energy Prices:

Fluctuations in electricity prices can impact the accuracy of ROI projections, causing uncertainty about the actual financial returns.

5. Lack of Comparative Data:

Limited access to historical energy usage data or comparative data from similar installations can make it difficult for customers to gauge potential savings accurately.

6. Perception of Rapid Technological Advancements:

Some individuals may be concerned that advances in solar technology may quickly render their investment obsolete, affecting their overall ROI.

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STEP 7: Compatibility with Homes and Estates:

The compatibility of solar backup solutions with homes, estates, manufacturing industries, and offices is a crucial aspect to consider when transitioning towards a more sustainable and resilient energy future. As the demand for renewable energy sources grows, more individuals and businesses are seeking reliable backup power solutions to overcome the challenges posed by frequent power outages and rising electricity costs.

For homeowners and families residing in estates, solar backup solutions offer an attractive and environmentally conscious way to ensure uninterrupted power supply during load shedding and grid failures. These solutions can be seamlessly integrated into existing electrical systems, providing a reliable and efficient backup power source that complements the property’s aesthetics.

Compatibility with homes and estates is a significant consideration for homeowners, tenants, and families living in secure complexes and upmarket estates when adopting solar energy or backup power solutions. Here are some insights about this aspect:

1. Architectural Constraints:

Many homes and estates have unique architectural designs, which may present challenges for installing solar panels or backup power systems. Homeowners may be concerned about maintaining the aesthetics of their property while incorporating renewable energy solutions.

2. Limited Rooftop Space:

Some homes may have limited rooftop space due to architectural features, chimneys, or obstructions, making it challenging to install an adequate number of solar panels to meet energy demands

3. Homeowner Association (HOA) Rules:

For homeowners residing in estates or complexes governed by HOAs, there may be restrictions or guidelines related to solar panel installations. Compliance with such rules may be a concern.

4. Historic or Protected Buildings:

In certain areas, there may be historic or protected buildings where altering the structure for solar installations is prohibited or restricted, affecting the feasibility of solar energy adoption.

5. Orientation and Shading:

The orientation and shading of a property can impact the efficiency of solar panels. South-facing roofs are ideal, but not all homes have the perfect orientation for optimal solar energy production.

6. Roof Condition and Age:

The condition and age of the roof can affect the ability to install solar panels. Homeowners may be unsure about the structural integrity and suitability of their roof for solar installations.

STEP 8: Safety and Maintenance:

The safety and maintenance of backup power solutions and solar power generating systems are paramount considerations for homeowners, businesses, and industries seeking to harness renewable energy. Ensuring the reliable and safe operation of these systems not only protects the investments made but also guarantees uninterrupted power supply during crucial moments, such as power outages or emergencies.

Backup power solutions and solar power generating systems are great ways to ensure a reliable and sustainable electricity supply for your home or business. However, they also require proper safety and maintenance measures to prevent accidents, damages, or malfunctions. In this article, we will discuss some of the safety and maintenance tips for backup power solutions and solar power generating systems.

Backup power solutions can use batteries, generators, or renewable energy sources like solar or wind power. However, backup power solutions can also pose some safety risks, such as fire, electrocution, carbon monoxide poisoning, or fuel leakage. Therefore, it is important to follow some strict safety precautions

By prioritizing safety and maintenance, you can rest assured that your backup power solution or solar power generating system will operate flawlessly, providing reliable energy supply while contributing to a sustainable future. Embrace a greener and more secure energy solution, and unlock the potential of clean, reliable power generation.

1. Electrical Safety:

Homeowners may have concerns about the electrical safety of their solar panel installations and backup power systems. They want to ensure that the installation complies with safety standards and codes to prevent electrical hazards.

2. Fire Hazards:

The risk of fire is a significant concern when it comes to electrical systems. Homeowners want assurance that their solar panels and backup power equipment are designed and installed with fire safety measures in mind.

3. Battery Maintenance:

For homes with backup power systems using batteries, proper maintenance is crucial to ensure optimal performance and prevent any safety risks associated with battery malfunctions.

4. System Monitoring:

Homeowners desire reliable monitoring systems that provide real-time data on the performance and health of their solar energy and backup power systems. This allows them to identify any issues promptly.

5. Qualified Installers:

The safety and reliability of solar panel installations and backup power systems heavily depend on the expertise of the installers. Homeowners seek qualified and experienced professionals to handle their installations.

6. Manufacturer's Warranty:

Knowing that solar panels and backup power systems come with a manufacturer’s warranty gives homeowners peace of mind regarding potential defects or failures.

7. Routine Inspections:

Periodic maintenance and inspections are essential to keep solar panels and backup power systems functioning optimally and to identify any issues before they become significant problems.

8. Weatherproofing and Durability:

Homeowners want assurance that their solar panels and backup power equipment are designed to withstand various weather conditions, ensuring long-term durability and safety.

9. Training and User Manuals:

Homeowners expect clear user manuals and training from installers to operate and maintain their solar energy and backup power systems safely and efficiently.

The Ultimate Guide to Backup Power System Sizing

WAS: R 122 782,00

NOW: R 79 808,00

(4 Customer Reviews)

  • Could be Delivered and Installed within days of payment cleared
  • No Drilling Required, Stack on Secure Floor Base
  • Stage 10/11 Load-Shedding could be days away.
  • 3 in 1 – Power + Battery + Floor Base.
  • Fast Charging – 2 Hours
  • Product Certifications
  • Limited Stock is available.
  • 10 Year Guarantee
  • Reputable Brand
  • Single Phase
PLACE YOUR ORDER! - R 79 808.00
Backup Power Solutions

Huawei iSitePower-M

Solar System questions?

How big Solar System will I need?

The size of your solar system will depend on the type of system that you decide upon. We usually recommend a large enough solar system that can power your home, without any requirement from the grid. The first step is to determine the household's monthly requirement. We will look at your utility bills over a number of months, to determine a safe monthly average.
Huawei iSitePower-M 5Kw

How long will it take to install?

A basic A-frame rooftop solar system typically takes about 2 to 4 days to install, while more complex residential solar projects may take up to a week or more to complete.
10 Kw Hybrid Backup System

How will I pay for my Solar System?

Various payment options are available of which "Cash Payment" is the ideal solution. See the list of available options below.
  • Cash Payment
  • Access Bond
  • Commercial Banks
  • independent Financial Service Providers
  • Rental Options
15 Kw Backup Power System

Is it difficult to manage my Solar System?

Minimal input is required. Once your Solar system is set up correctly and optimized, very little is needed. You will have the app installed on your phone that indicates how much power is produced and the level of the batteries, but there is no need to physically monitor the system.
Canadian Solar Panels


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Backup Power Solutions

Huawei iSitePower-M