Empowering You When the Grid Goes Down

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Huawei iSitePower-M – 5KW Backup Power Solution


R 79 808,00 Inc VAT

  • The Huawei iSitePower-M 5KW Backup Power Solution
  • Modular Hybrid and Off-Grid Solution (Up to 15kW – 3 X 5kW Batteries)
  • Integrates Grid, Solar Panels, Petrol and Diesel Generator and Batteries
  • Stable Lithium-ion Battery
  • Mobile App Controlled
3 customer reviews


Introduction to the Huawei iSitePower-M 5KW Backup Power Solution:

In an age defined by progress, our reliance on power has never been more profound. From illuminating our homes to fueling our digital lives, electricity powers our modern world. But what happens when the lights go out, and the devices we depend on fall silent?

For far too many, this scenario is all too familiar. The dreaded occurrence of load shedding casts a shadow of uncertainty, disrupting daily routines, impeding productivity, and challenging the very essence of convenience we hold dear.

It’s a situation that resonates with homeowners and businesses alike, an all-too-frequent reminder of our vulnerability to forces beyond our control. Yet, in the face of such challenges, innovation has risen to meet the call of necessity.

Enter the Huawei iSitePower-M 5KW Backup Power Solution, a beacon of reliability in an era of uncertainty. In a world where uninterrupted power is not a luxury but a necessity, this remarkable system stands as a testament to modern ingenuity.

Join us as we explore how the iSitePower-M transcends mere backup power, transforming homes and businesses into fortresses of resilience. Discover a solution that not only ensures the lights stay on but empowers you to take charge of your energy destiny.

In this article, we will unravel the secrets of this exceptional technology, delving into its features, benefits, and the unparalleled peace of mind it brings. The future of power is here, and it’s time to embrace the freedom it offers.



Backup Power Solutions: How to Choose the Best Option for Your Home or Business


2. Benefits at a Glance:

  • Reliable Power, Uninterrupted: Say goodbye to the frustration of load shedding. The Huawei iSitePower-M 5KW Backup Power Solution is your guarantee of uninterrupted electricity supply. When others are left in the dark, you stay powered up.

  • Independence Reimagined: Take control of your energy destiny. With the iSitePower-M, you’re no longer at the mercy of grid failures. Say farewell to costly downtime and the inconveniences of load shedding.

  • Safety First: Your well-being matters. The iSitePower-M’s design prioritizes safety, with no exposed wires or parts. Protect your loved ones, including children and pets, with this secure solution.

  • Whisper-Quiet Operation: Noise pollution, be gone! The iSitePower-M operates discreetly, ensuring a peaceful environment for your home or office. No more noisy generators disrupting your daily life.

  • Expand Your Power: Your needs may evolve, and so can your system. The iSitePower-M offers expandability options, allowing you to add more solar panels and batteries as required. Future-proof your energy independence.

  • Eco-Friendly Efficiency: Reduce your carbon footprint while saving on electricity bills. The iSitePower-M is eco-conscious, offering a sustainable alternative to traditional power sources.

  • Remote Control Convenience: Manage your power remotely with ease. The mobile app puts the iSitePower-M at your fingertips, allowing you to monitor and control energy usage effortlessly.

In a world filled with uncertainties, the iSitePower-M delivers peace of mind, empowering you with reliable, independent, and efficient power. Discover why it’s the choice of those who refuse to be left in the dark.



hauwei isitepower m 5 10 and 15kw configurations b
Huawei – iSitePower-M – 5, 10, and 15KW Configurations


3. In-Depth Exploration of Features:

  • Beautiful Design: The iSitePower-M boasts an elegant design that enhances the ambiance of your living or office space. Its sleek aesthetics allow for seamless indoor installation, making it a proud addition to any environment.
  • Safety First: Safety is paramount. With the iSitePower-M, you’re shielded from potential hazards. Its design eliminates exposed wires and components, ensuring the well-being of your loved ones, including children and pets.
  • Modular Flexibility: Adaptability meets convenience. The iSitePower-M features a modular design, enabling space-saving solutions. The compact 5KW inverter, less than 80 cm high and 70 cm wide, ensures easy installation in confined spaces. Its 4.8 kWh lithium-ion battery offers ample energy storage for enhanced autonomy.

Intriguing design, unwavering safety, and space-saving modularity – the iSitePower-M combines form and function seamlessly, empowering you with cutting-edge backup power.



Hybrid Backup Power Systems: Empowering You When The Grid Goes Down



4. Components That Matter:

a. The Inverter:

  • The inverter is the brain of the system. It features an intuitive battery meter, allowing you to effortlessly monitor your power reserve.
  • With remote control capabilities through a mobile app, you gain ultimate control and convenience in managing your energy usage.

b. Lithium-ion Battery:

  • The heart of the iSitePower-M is its robust lithium-ion battery. It’s your lifeline during extended power outages, providing reliable energy when you need it most.
  • This powerhouse ensures you remain connected, even when the grid fails.

c. Secure Floor Base:

  • Installation options are versatile. Choose between wall mounting or a secure floor base, adapting to your unique installation requirements.
  • Flexibility is key, making it a suitable solution for various settings, from homes to offices.

These components form the backbone of the iSitePower-M, guaranteeing uninterrupted power and adaptability to your specific needs.



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hauwei isitepower m exterior pick b
Huawei – iSitePower-M Exterior Pick


5. Expansion Possibilities:

Solar Synergy:

  • Enhance your self-sufficiency by incorporating solar panels into the system.
  • This addition not only decreases reliance on the grid but also contributes to substantial energy savings.

Maximizing Benefits:

  • Any surplus energy generated doesn’t go to waste.
  • It’s intelligently stored within the iSitePower-M, ensuring you get the most out of your investment.

These expansion options provide an added layer of efficiency and sustainability to your power solution.


6. Guarantees and Accolades:

Peace of Mind

When you buy Huawei iSitePower-M 5KW Backup Power Solution, you don’t just buy a product. You buy peace of mind. You buy the assurance that your backup power solution is reliable, durable, and high-quality.

Huawei iSitePower-M 5KW Backup Power Solution comes with generous guarantees that reflect its confidence and commitment to customer satisfaction. It offers:

  • A 10-year exchange warranty for the inverter and the battery module, covering any defects or malfunctions that may occur during normal use.
  • A lifetime technical support and customer service, providing you with expert advice and assistance whenever you need it.

Huawei iSitePower-M 5KW Backup Power Solution also boasts of industry awards and certifications that validate its quality and performance. It has:

  • A CE mark, indicating that it complies with the European Union’s standards for health, safety, and environmental protection.
  • A TÜV Rheinland certification, indicating that it has passed rigorous tests for safety, reliability, and functionality by an independent third-party organization.
  • A Solar Impulse Efficient Solution label, indicating that it is one of the 1000 solutions that can protect the environment in a profitable way.

IP65 Safety Rating

  • The iSitePower has a rating of IP65, which means that it is highly resistant to water and dust ingress, making it a suitable option for outdoor installation. This feature provides flexibility for customers who may prefer to install their energy storage system outside their homes or office.
  • Outdoor installation can have several advantages, such as providing more space for the system, better ventilation, and easier access to maintenance. Additionally, installing the system outdoors can free up space inside the home or office, which can be especially useful for smaller spaces.

These guarantees and accolades offer solid reassurance for your investment.


hauwei isitepower m detail pick a
Huawei – iSitePower-M Detail Pick

7. Industries

Here is a list of some industries and how the Huawei iSitePower-M 5KW Backup Power Solution can benefit them:

  1. Office:
    • Benefit: The iSitePower-M ensures uninterrupted workflow during power outages, minimizing disruptions and productivity loss.
  2. Small, Medium, or Large Shops:
    • Benefit: Shops can continue operations smoothly, even during load shedding, maintaining customer satisfaction and revenue.
  3. Doctors’ Consulting Rooms:
    • Benefit: Medical practices can provide uninterrupted care, ensuring patient safety and confidence.
  4. Dentists:
    • Benefit: Dental clinics can avoid costly appointment cancellations and maintain patient appointments without interruption.
  5. Gyms and Fitness Centers:
    • Benefit: Gyms can keep lights and equipment running, delivering a seamless experience to members and preserving reputation.
  6. Photocopy and Stationery Shops:
    • Benefit: Businesses can process orders, print documents, and offer copying services, even during power disruptions, ensuring customer satisfaction.
  7. Restaurants and Cafes:
    • Benefit: Restaurants can keep kitchen equipment running and serve customers without interruptions during load shedding, ensuring customer satisfaction.
  8. Home-Based Businesses:
    • Benefit: Entrepreneurs working from home can continue their business operations seamlessly, maintaining client relationships and income streams.
  9. Data Centers:
    • Benefit: Critical data centers can ensure data integrity and minimize downtime, crucial for businesses relying on digital infrastructure.
  10. Schools and Educational Institutions:
    • Benefit: Educational institutions can conduct online classes and maintain administrative functions during power cuts, preventing disruptions to the learning process.
  11. Manufacturing Plants:
    • Benefit: Manufacturing facilities can keep production lines operational, minimizing production losses and supply chain disruptions.
  12. Pharmacies:
    • Benefit: Pharmacies can ensure the availability of vital medications and provide uninterrupted service to customers, especially in emergencies.
  13. Hotels and Hospitality:
    • Benefit: Hotels can offer a comfortable stay to guests even during load shedding, preserving their reputation and guest experience.
  14. Emergency Services:
    • Benefit: Emergency response services like ambulance stations and fire departments can maintain critical operations without power interruptions.
  15. Agriculture and Farms:
    • Benefit: Farms can continue irrigation systems, livestock management, and food processing, ensuring food security and business sustainability.

These industries represent a diverse range of sectors that can greatly benefit from the iSitePower-M’s backup power solution, showcasing its broad applicability.


8. Cost and Financing:

  • Investment: The Huawei iSitePower-M 5KW Backup Power Solution is priced at R 80,000.00, offering a robust backup power solution for your home or business. While this may seem like a substantial upfront cost, it’s essential to consider the long-term benefits it provides. This investment assures uninterrupted power during load shedding and other outages, safeguarding productivity, comfort, and security.
  • Payback Period: The return on investment (ROI) for the Huawei iSitePower-M is primarily indirect, as it primarily serves as a backup solution. Its true value becomes evident when you can carry on with work, maintain essential services, and protect critical operations without disruptions. Think of it as insurance against power interruptions, offering peace of mind and ensuring that your day-to-day activities remain unaffected.
  • Adding Solar Panels: To maximize your energy independence and potentially reduce your ROI period, consider enhancing your system by adding solar panels. By adding around 8 solar panels, you can harness the sun’s energy to further reduce your reliance on the grid. This step not only contributes to a more sustainable future but also presents the possibility of shortening your ROI timeframe. Imagine not only having backup power but generating your own clean energy.
  • Solar Financing: Financing options for solar systems are readily available through various banks and financial institutions. Some notable institutions offering solar financing packages include:
    • Standard Bank: Standard Bank provides a range of financing options for solar installations. Their solutions include loans and flexible repayment plans tailored to meet your specific needs. Investing in solar energy through Standard Bank can align with your budget and long-term energy goals.
    • Nedbank: Nedbank offers various financing options designed to make solar energy accessible to homeowners and businesses. Their dedicated solar financing solutions can help you take the first steps towards energy independence and potential savings on your utility bills.
    • Absa: Absa provides financing options for solar systems, making it easier for you to embark on your renewable energy journey. With Absa’s support, you can explore various solar solutions and their financing packages to choose the one that suits your requirements.
    • FNB: FNB offers financing solutions that enable you to invest in solar energy with confidence. Whether you’re considering solar panels or a comprehensive backup power system like the Huawei iSitePower-M, FNB can provide the financial assistance you need to make your energy goals a reality.
    • Investec: Investec offers tailored financing options for renewable energy projects, including solar installations. Their expertise in sustainable finance can help you access the necessary funds to enhance your energy independence and reduce your carbon footprint.

These institutions understand the significance of renewable energy and its positive impact on both the environment and your finances. Contact your preferred financial institution to explore solar financing options that align with your budget and energy goals. Investing in solar energy not only enhances your energy independence but also yields long-term cost savings while contributing to a sustainable future.



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Bank Financing For your Solar System can be found here

Some other financial institutions that provide financing for solar are:


9. Household Energy Saving Tips

Here are 10 tips that households can implement to reduce their energy consumption and become more environmentally friendly (green):

  1. Switch to LED Lighting: Replace traditional incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient LED bulbs. They use less electricity and last longer.
  2. Unplug Idle Electronics: Electronics and chargers continue to draw power when plugged in, even when not in use. Unplug them or use power strips to easily turn off multiple devices at once.
  3. Use Smart Thermostats: Install a smart thermostat that can automatically adjust your home’s temperature based on your schedule. This reduces heating and cooling costs.
  4. Seal Leaks: Inspect doors and windows for drafts and seal any gaps. Proper insulation and weather-stripping can prevent heat loss in winter and cool air loss in summer.
  5. Upgrade Appliances: When replacing appliances, opt for ENERGY STAR-rated models. They are designed to be more energy-efficient and can significantly reduce your energy consumption.
  6. Reduce Phantom Loads: Many devices, like DVRs and game consoles, consume power even when turned off. Use smart power strips to cut off power completely when not in use.
  7. Adjust Water Heater Settings: Lower your water heater’s thermostat to 120°F (49°C) to reduce energy consumption while still providing hot water.
  8. Air Dry Clothes: Use a clothesline or drying rack instead of a dryer whenever possible. It’s an energy-free way to dry your clothes.
  9. Reduce Water Waste: Fix leaky faucets and install low-flow showerheads and toilets to conserve water and the energy required to heat it.
  10. Harness Solar Energy: Consider installing solar panels on your roof to generate your own clean, renewable energy. You can even sell excess energy back to the grid.

By implementing these tips, households can reduce their energy consumption, lower utility bills, and minimize their environmental impact, contributing to a greener and more sustainable future.



The Ultimate Guide to Backup Power System Sizing: How to Calculate Your Power Needs and Choose the Best Battery Capacity


10. Conclusion and Call to Action:

The Power of Choice:

  • You’ve discovered the Huawei iSitePower-M 5KW Backup Power Solution.
  • It’s a game-changer in uninterrupted power supply.

Seize the Opportunity:

  • Don’t wait for the next blackout. Take control of your power supply now.
  • Contact us today to learn more about this empowering solution.
  • Make the choice that brings peace of mind and independence.

Don’t let load shedding dictate your life. Choose the Huawei iSitePower-M and be the master of your own power.

11. Installation Requirements

A certified electrician will have the knowledge and expertise necessary to install the iSitePower 5KW Backup Power Solution correctly and safely, ensuring that it operates efficiently and effectively. They will also be able to issue the required certification, which is necessary to ensure that the system is compliant with local regulations and requirements.


AC Input
AC Input
Input VoltageSingle-phase 90~300 VAC
Input VoltageSingle-phase 90~300 VAC
Input CurrentMax: 30A
Input CurrentMax: 30A
Frequency50 Hz/60Hz
Frequency50 Hz/60Hz
Surge Protection3kVA/5kVA,8/20μs
Surge Protection3kVA/5kVA,8/20μs


AC Output (off-grid)
Output VoltageSingle-phase 200–230 VAC
Max. Output Current25.8A
Output Power6kVA,5kW
Power Factor0.8
THD Harmonics≤3% @ rated output
Surge Protection3kVA/5kVA,8/20μs


Basic Parameter
Dimensions(W x H x D690mm x 1480mm x 165mm@15kWh
Weight• 16kg per power module,
• 50kg per battery module.
• 166kg@15kWh
Installation ModeIndoor, outdoor
Protection LevelIP65


Battery Parameter
Rated Capacity5kWh per module
Actual Capacity5KWh (100%DOD) per module
Max. CapacityStand-alone scenario: support max.6 pcs batteries, 5kW@max.30kWh
Parallel scenario: support max.3 power modules in parallel, each power module supports max. 3 pcs batteries, max.3*(5kw@max.15kWh)
Max. Output Power2.5kW per module
Cycle Life6000 cycles @ 25℃, 80%DOD


PV Input
Start-up Voltage100VDC
Rated Input Voltage340V
MPPT Voltage90~435V DC
Max. Input Current2 x 15A
Recommended PV Power5000Wp
Numbers of PV Strings2 strings
Number of MPPT Routes1 route
Max. Input Current per Strings15A
Surge Protection3kVA/5kVA,8/20μs


24-hour Continuous Power Supply.



Extraordinary Experience



Secure and Reliable



Weight 77 kg
Dimensions 158 × 700 × 650 mm


Huawei iSitePower-M

Huawei iSitePower-M
huawei isitepower m logo 400

T's and C's

All pricing includes VAT

  • Any “Finance-To-Own” options, and their respective monthly installments, presented for this offering are an indicator
    of expected payments and are subject to change on final approval from the financing service provider.
  • This kit is not suited for installation on a flat roof, installation on a flat roof would require additional
    parts that can be ordered separately from this offer.
  • Installation is included with this offering, and a Certificate of Compliance will be furnished for the
  • Please note that consumables and other items that may be required by the installer that is not shown in
    this document will be at an additional cost outside this offer.
  • This offer is subject to stock availability, and customer location for installation.
  • Any fault or damage caused to the products supplied during the installation process will fall under the
    responsibility and liability of the installer.
  • The installation will take place within 2 weeks of final approval of financing or payment confirmation;
    this is subject to change should any unexpected event otherwise interrupt regular operations. Should
    this happen, the buyer will be contacted as soon as possible.
  • A site visit and inspection may be required to determine installation requirements.
  • This offering follows the guidelines set out by the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 (CPA) and
    Electronic Communications Transactions Act 25 of 2002 (ECTA), the provisions as set out within the
    mentioned legislation, apply to ACDC Dynamics, the installer, and the buyer.
  • By accepting this offer the buyer confirms that they have read and understand the terms, conditions
    and limitations of the system as laid out in this document.

  1. elsabe

    This must be the most amazing product ever! We purchased one for our business, saving up to buy battery nr 2 and 3 still. I would recommend this inverter with batteries to EVERYONE.

  2. etienne

    I needed to install a backup power solution in my living room as I do not have a garage or other appropriate space for it. I wanted a product that would give me all the benefits of a 5KVA inverter and all the battery power I need to run my house. The Huawei Isitepower-M was the perfect solution. It is a good-looking device. It is completely silent and fits well in our living room. The only indication that we have now that load shedding is occurring is a red LED.

  3. fhumi

    Exceptional product. Such a smooth transition when load-shedding starts… the only indication is the red light. Love that I can get info and insight from the app too. My anxiety is now a thing of the past. A definite must-purchase. Thanks for the support and wonderful service.

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